At On The Trail, our approach to dog tracking is unique and deeply rooted in the dog’s natural abilities and instincts. On your first time out, we take an item that has your scent - car keys, a glove, an old sock, could be anything - and hide you somewhere we can predict how the scent behaves. Then we offer the item to your dog to take and memorize the scent, and then we set off together on the search. What makes our method special is that we don’t try to control what the dog does; instead, we learn from what the dog shows us, embracing their incredible ability to distinguish between and follow scents.
Dogs’ scenting abilities far surpass anything humans or even our most sophisticated instruments can detect. By allowing the dog to take the lead, we bring out the best in them, unlocking their potential and allowing their natural drive to shine. This also gives us, as handlers, an opportunity to reflect on our own need for control, helping us grow individually and strengthen our bond with our dogs.
Beyond the incredible mental stimulation tracking provides for dogs, it’s also very beneficial for insecure or anxious dogs. Tracking gives them a sense of purpose, redirecting their focus and energy away from insecurity or aggression. The results are usually immediate, with dogs becoming more confident as they use their natural strengths.
In real life situations tracking dogs can make the difference between life and death…truly a transformative experience, not just for the dogs, but for their owners too, as it fosters trust, communication, and a deeper connection.
Our tracking classes are hugely beneficial for any dog - whether it’s as a recreational activity, geared towards professional S&R and anything in between. Dogs can start any age, from young puppy to senior.
Classes run weekly year-round; you can stream in anytime.
Saturdays 10AM and Tuesdays 6PM in Canmore
Sundays 10:30AM and Thursdays 6PM in Calgary
10 class punch card $305; drop in $45
Private sessions for behavioural and training issues $125.00
Please Contact Frans for time and dates, or join us on Facebook for regular updates.